Find the best crypto exchange for 2025
Crypto exchanges comparison
Compare the best crypto exchanges in Germany and worldwide. Compare Bitvavo, Kraken, Bison, Binance, Bitpanda and Coinbase with their functions such as Bitcoin savings plan, Ethereum staking, lending, coin count, wallet transfer or Paypal payment.
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Cheapest stock exchange**
Test winner01/2025
Most favorable savings plan**
Test winner01/2025
Comparison of settings
Legal notice: The providers presented are ranked in ascending order of the underlying total cost criterion according to the preset filter settings. Providers that provide incomplete public cost information are listed last. It should be noted that not all potential provider characteristics are listed in this table. The free comparison is based on our own data collection and does not provide a comprehensive market overview of all relevant providers and is financed by commissions on product transactions. Depending on the calculation setting of the transaction behavior, another provider may be more favorable and therefore the result may not be congruent with the test result of Unicorn Finance. For all information on cooperations & linkages, market coverage, preselection, position 0, ranking and influencing factors »see here.«
Cost comparison
Data basis Note:
Daily update of fees:
Fee structures for trading and payments are updated daily.
Minutely updated ticker prices and spread costs:
To compare the total costs and the spread costs contained therein, this is queried synchronously approximately every minute
and an average of the current month is calculated on this basis. The exception to this is Bitpanda, where the spread
is entered manually on a random basis. If the average spread is deactivated, Bitpanda therefore continues to use an average.
continues to be an average. The unit price can be a current price stamp with a query age of up to one minute.
minute from Kraken, Bitvavo, Coingecko. »More information.«
*Advertising / Advertisement: The provider (stock exchange, broker) may pay a commission for advertising links on this page. These advertising links can be recognized by the asterisk (*) and the company logos with the URL. There are no additional costs for you. You can find the exact conditions from the provider or on our » Bonus Code page «.
**Test winner: The test parameters are determined by Unicorn Finance and correspond to the average range of trading volume and number of transactions that Unicorn Finance realistically estimates from partner programs. Depending on the individual filter/calculation settings for the underlying transaction behavior, another provider may be more favorable and therefore the individually recalculated ranking may not be congruent with this test result. An individual cost comparison with your own test parameters can be carried out at any time using the » cost comparison calculator « from Unicorn Finance itself. »Disclaimer.« »Privacy policy.«
**Test winner: The test parameters are determined by Unicorn Finance and correspond to the average range of trading volume and number of transactions that Unicorn Finance realistically estimates from partner programs. Depending on the individual filter/calculation settings for the underlying transaction behavior, another provider may be more favorable and therefore the individually recalculated ranking may not be congruent with this test result. An individual cost comparison with your own test parameters can be carried out at any time using the » cost comparison calculator « from Unicorn Finance itself. »Disclaimer.« »Privacy policy.«
Disclaimer and conflict of interest: The contents of this article do not constitute tax advice, legal advice or investment advice, nor an offer or solicitation to buy or sell cryptocurrencies or securities. The content is for general information purposes only and no representation or warranty, express or implied, is made as to the fairness, accuracy, timeliness, completeness or correctness of the content or the opinions contained therein and no reliance should be placed on the fairness, accuracy, timeliness, completeness or correctness of such content or the opinions contained therein. No liability for financial loss resulting from incomplete, incorrect, erroneous, inaccurate or out-of-date content, information or opinions is accepted in any individual case. Investing in cryptocurrencies or securities is always associated with risks and can lead to the total loss of the capital invested. Conflict of interest: Financing is provided by commissions from the platforms presented. »More information.«